How to better connect with your community - Plant Based Nutrition Prototype
Be Kind. Do Good. Have Fun.
It has been a crazy week. Do you know the Kanter’s law?
Everything looks like a failure in the middle
It seems that you never get used to this feeling. But it feels like magic when, on Thursday night, all the pieces of the prototype start getting together, the team start relaxing and the emergency level goes down to yellow.
Every week we focus on a different prototype with a very specific need, but it should be easy for you to generalize our discoveries and apply them to your specific world.
For example, as stated in the first part of this prototype, we focused on 2 questions connected with the plant based diets, but what we are really doing is discovering how to better connect with a community of people.
This week solution
This week we give you the second part of the output. You can find the first part here.
These 2 points became our main solution to focus on:
target people are eager to see the difference in environmental impact between traditional and plant based foods. It is actually a big motivator for people to switch.
curious omnivores were confused by the source of protein even though there are comparable proteins in vegan recipes.
The result is an app to help omnivores discovering nutrients facts and how much they’d lower their impact if they switched a single animal based recipe into a plant based one. (click here if your mail app does not show the animated gif below)
By the way if you are interested in how much your impact on the Earth could change just by changing 1 meal here are the calculations we have made creating the prototype.
Here you can listen to our design director explaining the process and all the discoveries in detail.
[PREMIUM] Click here to have a close look at all the discoveries we went through during this week.
QUESTION TO YOU: would you have faced the problem in a different way? Tell us
One takeway
If you want to get more connected with your target community, we think that this is the first activity you should do right now: listen to them, the right way.
Ask them their biggest hurdles: don’t ask them ‘what would you do if…‘ or ‘what do you prefer…‘, ask them this instead ‘the last time that you needed to do this, how did you do that?‘ or ‘how many times in the last year you did this‘. You are not asking them their opinion, you are asking them to show you their actual lives.
And if you are thinking ‘but I already know their pains‘ you are not listening to them :)
Our journey recap
Given that a lot of new friends joined our Exploratorium this week, I would like to list some of the prototypes already explored:
How to follow new trends of your market: during lockdown, all the digital tools to train at home exploded and we explored what was missing
How to increase efficiency in your plant: pushing technology inside your plant means dealing with people, so you need to do it the right way
How to digitalize your store: how to create a prototype to test if your customers will follow you into the digital transformations you need to let your business grow
Next Prototype
Next week we’ll switch our focus into something more practical.
Offices digitalization turns processes into numbers (think about compiling the log of your working hours of the day, every day), but can be effective only if the collected data are a good representation of the reality. Many times humans need to fill some form or some app to collect those data, resulting in bad feelings and bad data.
We asked ourselves if the actual data-entry user experience could be better. Let’s see what we will discover! (and by the way, two wonderful international partners will join us next week to help us in this exploration)
How has been your experience so far?
We would love to have your feedback on the previous weeks. Especially negative feedback, something you didn’t really like (we won’t take it personally).
Can you reply to this 5 simple questions?