We have passed the first 2 weeks and after having improved our internal processes we are now evolving our communication platform.
Can you give us feedback about this new Recap format?
I made a summary of everything we have done in the first couple of weeks of Exploratorium, including what lies ahead and what we have learned as a team.
We’re talking about post-Covid19, innovation strategies, lessons learned, mindset.
Click on the image to watch the video
This week we have worked on the tech and design of our prototype #3
Prototype # 3 - Topic: automatic quality control process powered by computer vision.
We have teamed up with a company based in Padua to learn how we can automate their quality control processes using technology.
DESIGN REPORT: We haven’t started with technology: as always, people come first, and the design is always a big part of every cutting-edge project.
Here how it went, explained by Eric Hale, Uqido’s Design Director (3 mins)
TECHNOLOGY REPORT - If you have watched the video above, you understood the problem we’re facing: detecting the shape and progressing with the object recognition phase in the correct way is crucial for the success of the project.
People are at the heart of our design process, but this is a problem that cannot be solved if it isn’t combined with the right technology.
We have partnered with Konica Minolta which has provided us with a suitable powerful camera, able to detect the objects.
Below we share some details and some possible alternatives explained by Giulia Mastrella, our Exploratorium’s Scrum Master (2min):
This week we also have worked on the testing and market validation of our prototype #2
STRATEGIC MARKETING REPORT - Do you remember our prototype #2? It’s a digital tool to make physical objects visible and seen thanks to Augmented Reality.
We have created some landing pages and digital marketing campaigns to test the needs and opportunities of the market. The main goal was to generate leads from companies interested to adopt it.
Below we share some details on the validation strategy, tools used and performance achieved explained by Alessia Camera, Uqido’s Growth and Digital Strategy Consultant (7min)