Starting from the Brief it is essential to identify specific activities allowing us to achieve the objective of this prototype.
Due to the structured exercises typical of the Design Thinking approach, the Monday morning planning session allowed us to identify and define the activities required to reach our goal.
Brief Question
At the beginning of the planning session, we presented and shared the brief with the team. This allowed them to align with the identified topic.
The first exercise proposed to the team was the Question Brief. In 5 minutes the team had to write on post-it notes their questions or doubts associated with the brief.
Then, questions related to similar issues were grouped together, and an answer has been given by the person who first drafted the brief.

How Might We
Having clarified the initial doubts, the second exercise was: How might we? (HMW)
This exercise allowed us to highlight the challenging aspects of the project and move towards the solutions.
The team was then is been asked to reply to four main questions, formulated as follows using "How might we":
1. How might we understand if the target audience is interested in receiving live feedback from artificial intelligence?
2. How might we get people to train at home?
3. How might we give user feedback on a specific exercise?
4. How might we assess whether the user needs to perform the exercises correctly?
The team had 8 minutes to find answers and then possible solutions for each HMW.
Then the answers were presented by each team member and the 4 most suitable solutions (one for each HMW) went to a voting ballot.

The third exercise, Sketch, allowed the team to explore the solution indicated for each HMW, focusing mainly on its content.
Each part was given 12 minutes to complete the sketches of the four solutions.
In the end, each Sketch was explained, the four most suitable sketches for each HMW went to a vote and the best ones have been selected.

User Journey
At this point, a lot of material is available, even more insights and ideas.
Based on the findings, the fourth exercise is then presented: User Journey.
The team members had 12 minutes to define in 5 steps the interaction between the target user and the selected idea, reaching the User goal defined in advance.
Each part has made four User Journeys, one for each HMW.
Define the Task
The four most voted user stories (one for each HMW) has been translated into tasks to achieve the goal.
Defining the Task is in fact the fifth and final exercise: the tasks identified were assigned to a competent person and each, sorted by priority of execution.
The team is then ready to start with the design and development of the prototype.
The planning, and in particular these exercises described, allowed us to define specific activities, starting from a generic brief.
Design Thinking really helped us to clear things up.
In this first phase, it is super important to do in-depth research of similar applications existing in the market.
In fact, before starting with the design phase it is important to study and get to know the other products well in order to highlight their strengths and raise critical points.
We have therefore collected a lot of useful information about a similar products, users’ preferred type of training and the sharing of the feedback.
The results of the test sessions were organised in a summary sheet, which was fundamental for defining user experience based on the analysis of their needs.
The type of feedback that best responded to users' needs was:
Auditory feedback: this allowed the user to understand whether the exercise was correct or not. Auditory feedback immediately draws the user's attention, without requiring particular concentration.
Visual feedback: this allows the user to understand the part of the body in need of correction if the exercise was performed incorrectly.
Visual feedback: a score allowing the user to monitor the overall progress of the exercise. Specifically, the design team decided to structure a gamification logic to further motivate the user.

With all these elements, we then moved to the definition and prototyping phase.
The Design team has defined the User Interface (UI) of the MVP designing the icons and animations.

At this stage, the design team has designed and detailed the instructions to be given to the user before starting the actual training. Providing instructions is a very important element, as it allows the user to become familiar with the prototype.
These are the points explained to the user in the prototype:
1. How to position correctly in front of the camera
2. The type of feedback the user will receive (visual and auditory feedback)
3. The score obtained at the end of the session